
Dem@Care presentation at REACTION Clustering Event, Sept 26 – 27, 2013, Heraklion, Crete.

Dem@Care overview at demAAL Summer School, Sept 16 – 20, 2013, Chania, Crete.

Dem@Care presentation (in Greek) at a day conference on New Technologies for Active Ageing, organised at AUTH by Prof. M. Tsolaki, Thessaloniki.

“Wearable camera monitoring for IADL analysis: location estimation in an indoor environment” Human Activity and Vision Summer School 2012 (HAVSS) organized by INRIA in Nice, France, on 1-5/10/2012.

Alzheimer day: “journée Mondiale Alzheimer”, organized by France Alzheimer Gironde. EHPAD20-09-2012, COS Villa Pia, Bordeaux, France.

Sweden Medical Technology Conference: Josef Hallberg, “Cause and Effect – Why Lifelogging is so useful in dementia care”, 2-3 Oct. 2012, Lund, Sweden.

Joanna McHugh: “Introducing Dem@Care” InterDem Meeting, 4 Oct. 2012, Vienna, Austria.

Kate Irving: “Innovative midlife intervention for dementia” Active and Healthy Ageing Conference, 21 Sept. 2012, Tokyo, Japan.

JEMcHugh, E Newman, A Smeaton & K Irving: “A proposed system for the home-based ambient monitoring and enablement of older adults with dementia” Irish Gerontological Society Annual General Meeting Sept 14th 2012, Cork, Ireland.

P.H. Robert: State of the art lecture: “Alzheimer’s disease: new diagnostic criteria, neuropsychiatric symptoms and assessment using ICT.”  European Psychiatric Association Congress, 4 Mars 2012, Prague.

P.H. Robert : “Peut–on retarder le vieillissement ? Apport des nouvelles technologies”. Semaine du Cerveau, 12 -18 March 2012, Nice (France).

PH. Robert : “La Recherche au service de l’assistance à la personne” Congrés salon HIT (Health information technologies), Paris – 25 Mai 2012.

“IA (Innovation Alzheimer) Workshop 2012: Intersection between ICT& Health – defining guidelines”. EU Health Newsletter (August 2012).

Dem@Care Project to ICT professionals in Healthcare in the EU FP7- Regions project JADE ( ) workshop in March 2012, Grenoble, France.(

Dem@Care Project at the Technology Pitching Session in AUTM Asia 2012 Commercialising Technologiesto Sustain a Better World in April 2012, Singapore. (

Dem@Care Project in In2Societies 2012 Brokerage Event in October 2012, in Brussels, Belgium.(